Billy Jack Day, Dayton, OH (part 1)

As I mentioned in the previous posts about the re-release of Billy Jack in 1972-1973, the promotion of the film was a blitzkrieg of publicity. Radio, TV, newspapers, news reports, live bands, karate demonstrations, girls with lettered cards, it literally never ended. For weeks before the film opened the promotion was non-stop. It was impossible to not know about the film about to open in your area (the film was marketed across the country region by region). But all the marketing reached a crescendo when Tom (and family) would appear for ‘Billy Jack Day‘ in the chosen town of the region (everything was very carefully mapped out according to algorithms created by statistical geniuses working with Tom). Below is some evidence of the onslaught.

It all started with the greeting at the airport, TV cameras (which were film-based), interviews, photos, more interviews, marching bands, cheerleaders, airplanes waving ‘Welcome Billy Jack’, and crowds… lots and lots of crowds everywhere. (more to come in part 2)

Tom, Delores, TC, and Christina arrive in Dayton, Ohio for 'Billy Jack Day'

Tom, Delores, Christina, and TC are greeted by the marching band at the Dayton, Ohio airport.

Tom signs autographs at the Dayton, Ohio, airport.

What arrival would be complete without a plane pulling a sign saying 'Welcome'...

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