Category Archives: History

History from the making, marketing, and effect of the films

Clark Howat (Sheriff Cole)

Mr. Howat performed the scene with members of The Committee (including Howard Hessman) who had been performing that skit nightly, but didn’t miss a beat. I was very impressed that someone who seemed like a poster child of the ‘older generation’ could get so hip so easily…

Vanishing Point? WTF?

What do ‘Vanishing Point’ and ‘Billy Jack’ have to do with each other? They were mixed together in…

Bert Freed (Stewart Posner)

Bert Freed was a very accomplished actor with a long career behind (and ahead of him). He had appeared in over a hundred films before ‘Billy Jack’, and half as many…

Ghost Dance in The Pit

After Billy is bitten by the snake – and (spoiler alert) lives – he comes back to pass along the message he received in the vision following the bite. Billy talks of reaching through the ‘thin veil’ that separates the material world from the spirit world. What Tom didn’t know when he created and scripted ‘Billy Jack’ were the incredible…

‘Up Yours’ Scene from ‘Billy Jack’

By popular demand: The famous ‘Up Yours’ scene from ‘Billy Jack’. In this scene, Bernard (David Roya) tells the drooling bar crowd he can get any girl he wants, and challenges the locals to put up the cash to put him to the…

Original ‘Billy Jack’ TV Ads #2 – Testimonials

Another of the incredibly successful TV ads used during the 1973 re-release of ‘Billy Jack’. This one features testimonials from folks who had just seen the film and been surprised by a camera crew waiting in the lobby asking them to talk about the film. My favorite is the…

Julie & Debbie on location

Julie Webb & Debbie Schock during downtime on location in Prescott, AZ. I love these old Polaroids.There’s something about the wrong color that looks so real and so… right…

Battle of the Coral Sea

One of the last films Tom worked on as a hired actor before he struck out to try and make his own film ‘The Proper Time’. ‘Battle of the Coral Sea’ starred Cliff Robertson who…

Snakes on a Film

So when the Snake Man (as we all referred to him) arrived on the set with snakes in boxes (scariest boxes ever), everyone knew. And most people left. There was a lot of discussion about how they were going to film the snakes, what the snakes were likely to do, how fast they were, if they could jump, squirt, or in any way kill us just because…

I Just Go BESERK!! Classic Billy Jack Clip in HD

Okay… You KNEW this was coming… Clips from the films, and in 1080p24 HD!! The first clip: The classic ‘I Just Go BERSERK!!’ scene from ‘Billy Jack’. What most people don’t know is this scene…

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