The Girls of Billy Jack, in Arizona Hotel

The cast of ‘Billy Jack’ was mostly made up  of people that had either never acted before, or who had only worked a bit. There were very few seasoned veterans in the film.

In this picture, which I believe is from a hotel near Prescott, Arizona, during the 1969 filming, we have Teresa Laughlin (Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor’s daughter), who had never acted before; her actual, real-life babysitter, Debbie Schock, who lived next door to the Laughlin’s and never acted before (she played Kit); Susan Sosa, never acted before; an unknown fellow; Susan Foster who had been in Tom’s previous film, ‘Born Losers’, which, I believe was her debut; and Julie Webb. (I must confess, I know nothing about Julie’s background. If any of you do, please add to the comments below.)

Teresa and Susan Sosa seem to be having the most fun. Followed, in order, by Susan Foster, Julie Webb, and Debbie. Truth be told, Debbie seemed to always be in a good mood.

What actually amazes me with a lot of these pictures is how not dated they look — how styles have come so full circle that the way youngsters dressed in 1960 looks more or less like today. Look at the shoes on the chair. It looks like they took a communal trip to PayLess and picked up Keds for everyone.

A majority of the female cast for Billy Jack, plus an unknown fellow. From left, Teresa Laughlin, Debbie Schock, Susan Sosa, unknown, Susan Foster, Julie Webb.

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3 Responses to The Girls of Billy Jack, in Arizona Hotel
  1. Samantha

    looking at the old pictures reminds me of when i look at my parents hippy pictures.

    Current score: 0
  2. Steve Long

    Julie Webb got the part through a student drama club, probably somewhere in California where she lived. We met at the isle of Wight rock festival in 1970 and kept in touch for about 4 years.

    Current score: 1
    • admin

      Cool info, Steve. Thanks.

      If you think of any other info about Julie Webb I’d greatly appreciate. My sister, Chris, and I have been trying to track Julie down – to no avail – for quite a while.

      Current score: 0
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