It’s amazing how fashion recycles. In the eighties and nineties the look of the kids in ‘Billy Jack’ was pretty dated, but now most of the photos look like they’re straight out of a Gap catalog…
It’s amazing how fashion recycles. In the eighties and nineties the look of the kids in ‘Billy Jack’ was pretty dated, but now most of the photos look like they’re straight out of a Gap catalog…
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After Billy is bitten by the snake – and (spoiler alert) lives – he comes back to pass along the message he received in the vision following the bite. Billy talks of reaching through the ‘thin veil’ that separates the material world from the spirit world. What Tom didn’t know when he created and scripted ‘Billy Jack’ were the incredible…
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The cast of ‘Billy Jack’ was mostly made up of people that had either never acted before, or who had only worked a bit. There were very few seasoned veterans in the film.
In this picture, which I believe is from …
The cast and crew of ‘Billy Jack’ invaded Prescott, Arizona in the fall of 1969. (I’m still looking for the camera slates to find the exact starting date.) But one date that is obvious – and memorable – was Thanksgiving Day, which was celebrated en masse by
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