Tag Archive: delores

Delores Taylor & Andy Vidovich watch ‘Ghost Dance’

Unbeknown to Tom as he wrote ‘Billy Jack’, there was a significant amount of Ghost Religion perspective interwoven into the story. Tom later learned of the Ghost Religion and its creator, Wovoka (Jack Wilson, also known as Jack Willy… Willy Jack… think about it for a moment…), a Northern Paiute religious leader. (A ‘militarized’ version…

Delores and Christina on Set

Delores Taylor (Jean) takes a break from filming to play with her 4-month-old daughter, Christina during filming of ‘Billy jack’.

Delores’ Academy Ad


Ever the provocateur, Tom placed ads in the Hollywood trade papers nipping at Warner Brothers (the pair would have a many-decades-long love-hate relationship) and trying to promote Delores Taylor’s (his wife, co-star) performance in ‘Billy Jack’ for Academy consideration. Delores did not receive the hoped-for nomination.

Beatles-Like Cincinnati, OH Runway Reception


Tom and Delores (Billy Jack and Jean) are interviewed as they land in Cincinnati, OH, for a regional ‘premiere’ of ‘Billy Jack’ during the 1973 re-release of the film. (‘Billy Jack’ was originally released by WB in 1971.) Their daughters Teresa Laughlin (Carol in the film), and Christina (the one being held) are in the…