Do you recognize the incredible child performers in this clip from Tom Laughlin’s early film, ‘The Young Sinner’? One of them would go on to star in the ‘Billy Jack’ movies, singing songs and being wonderful. The other would
Do you recognize the incredible child performers in this clip from Tom Laughlin’s early film, ‘The Young Sinner’? One of them would go on to star in the ‘Billy Jack’ movies, singing songs and being wonderful. The other would
In going through thousands of photos, I came across this silly snapshot gem I just love. It’s of TC, Christina, and me sitting in a motorhome in the Arizona desert during the filming of Trial of Billy Jack. TC was…
OK, I’ve officially turned this week into the Way-Back Machine. Sorry. But I guess I have to get this out of my system. I’ve seen so many great photos…
Dad (Tom Laughlin) got a part in the film classic ‘South Pacific’, and somehow managed to take Mom (Delores Taylor) and I to Hawaii with him in 1957.
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I don’t know what to say about this picture. I have NO idea. We are on the ranch where the final scene in the church was shot, where the roping and riding sequences were shot, where the shootout was shot. Why I’m standing with the boots and hat (which really is too small for me, and always hurt to put on my head), I have no idea.
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