Tag Archive: tc

TC’s Missing Tooth

TC (Teresa Laughlin, aka Teresa Kelly) was 11 when ‘Billy Jack’ was made. She played her part like a seasoned pro, far beyond her years. But her body was right on time at 11, and proved it by losing a tooth during the filming of the I Just Go Berserk scene in the soda parlor. Tom (Dad) did what most dads do when their kids loose a tooth: he got it on…

Ghost Dance in The Pit

After Billy is bitten by the snake – and (spoiler alert) lives – he comes back to pass along the message he received in the vision following the bite. Billy talks of reaching through the ‘thin veil’ that separates the material world from the spirit world. What Tom didn’t know when he created and scripted ‘Billy Jack’ were the incredible…

I Just Go BESERK!! Classic Billy Jack Clip in HD

Okay… You KNEW this was coming… Clips from the films, and in 1080p24 HD!! The first clip: The classic ‘I Just Go BERSERK!!’ scene from ‘Billy Jack’. What most people don’t know is this scene…

Frank ‘Stars’ in Billy Jack (+ 14yo combover)

I’m asked a lot why I wasn’t in the ‘Billy Jack’. I have to explain a) I didn’t want to be (at which point people look at me like I’m from Mars), and b) I was in the film (kind of). While I don’t appear in the film in any way that the audience would recognize as me, I do appear frequently as the star and hero, Billy Jack.

TC (Teresa) at Last!

First, Teresa Kelly, aka Teresa Laughlin, aka TC Laughlin, will heretofore be referred to by her given name (given by her brother, me…): TC. How’d that come to be? I was three when she was born…

‘Billy Jack Goes to Washington’ Tidbits

Some interesting notes about ‘Billy Jack Goes to Washington’: It was produced by the son of the director of the original ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ starring Jimmy Stewart, Frank Capra, Jr. Kathy Cronkite, daughter of famed TV newsman, Walter Cronkite, appeared in …

The Girls of Billy Jack, in Arizona Hotel

The cast of ‘Billy Jack’ was mostly made up of people that had either never acted before, or who had only worked a bit. There were very few seasoned veterans in the film.

In this picture, which I believe is from …

Backyard Karate Class

Tom saw Bong Soo Han during a performance by Master Han’s school as part of the Pacific Palisades 4th of July celebration. (Tom’s daughter, TC, had been in the parade playing guitar.) Tom was blown away by the Hapkido style of fighting and pursued Han to train him (and double him) for the fight scenes…

Beatles-Like Cincinnati, OH Runway Reception


Tom and Delores (Billy Jack and Jean) are interviewed as they land in Cincinnati, OH, for a regional ‘premiere’ of ‘Billy Jack’ during the 1973 re-release of the film. (‘Billy Jack’ was originally released by WB in 1971.) Their daughters Teresa Laughlin (Carol in the film), and Christina (the one being held) are in the…