Billy Jack Rights, LLCTC Laughlin | Billy Jack Rights, LLC
Worldwide Rights Owner of the Existing Billy Jack FilmsWed, 23 Nov 2011 18:00:36 +0000enhourly1‘The Young Sinner’ Stars of Tomorrow, 08 Feb 2011 06:46:14 +0000Frank Laughlin Do you recognize the incredible child performers in this clip from Tom Laughlin's early film, 'The Young Sinner'? One of them would go on to star in the 'Billy Jack' movies, singing songs and being wonderful. The other would]]> Minneapolis Tour, 14 Dec 2010 08:00:15 +0000Frank Laughlin The family was on summer vacation in Wisconsin (Tom's home state, and home to a big chunk of relatives -- Hi Koeppens and Fossums!). Delores, TC, Christina, Stacy Manolakas, and a babysitter (who I'm sorry I don't remember) traveled out by the Cessna push-pull prop plane. Way to go, girls!]]> Jack Day, Dayton, OH (part 1), 09 Dec 2010 08:00:18 +0000Frank Laughlin As I mentioned in the previous posts about the re-release of Billy Jack in 1972-1973, the promotion of the film was a blitzkrieg of publicity. Radio, TV, newspapers, news reports, live bands, karate demonstrations, girls with lettered cards, it literally never ended. For weeks before the film...]]> Official Christina, TC, Frank Photo, 26 Nov 2010 08:00:16 +0000Frank Laughlin In going through thousands of photos, I came across this silly snapshot gem I just love. It's of TC, Christina, and me sitting in a motorhome in the Arizona desert during the filming of Trial of Billy Jack. TC was...]]> Nixon Quote That Started a War, 04 Nov 2010 08:00:42 +0000Frank Laughlin It may seem hard to believe today, but the Nixon quote contained in this clip sparked a to-the-death war with 20th Century Fox, the studio that was going to...]]> World Goes Karate Crazy, 27 Oct 2010 08:00:31 +0000Frank Laughlin People around 'Billy Jack' went karate crazy - trademark pending - even before 'Billy Jack' hit theaters. It happened on the set. Everyone was pestering Master Bong Soo Han to 'show them something', which...]]> Rehearsal for Billy Jack, 20 Oct 2010 08:00:42 +0000Frank Laughlin These shots are from a dance rehearsal for the sequence in the film where the school puts on a show for the townspeople. (It is hinted at when the members of the town council come out to the Freedom School and suggest the school put on a show for the whole town to see.) But, alas, the show never happened. ]]> Birthday, TC!, 27 Sep 2010 18:29:06 +0000Frank Laughlin September 27th is both TC Laughlin's birthday and Delores Taylor's. They both were born on the same day (a few years apart)! What are the chances. We hope both TC and Delores have a wonderful birthday! ]]>’s Missing Tooth, 24 Sep 2010 08:00:38 +0000Frank Laughlin TC (Teresa Laughlin, aka Teresa Kelly) was 11 when 'Billy Jack' was made. She played her part like a seasoned pro, far beyond her years. But her body was right on time at 11, and proved it by losing a tooth during the filming of the I Just Go Berserk scene in the soda parlor. Tom (Dad) did what most dads do when their kids loose a tooth: he got it on...]]>