Tag Archive: tom

Frank ‘Stars’ in Billy Jack (+ 14yo combover)

I’m asked a lot why I wasn’t in the ‘Billy Jack’. I have to explain a) I didn’t want to be (at which point people look at me like I’m from Mars), and b) I was in the film (kind of). While I don’t appear in the film in any way that the audience would recognize as me, I do appear frequently as the star and hero, Billy Jack.

Tom’s ‘Delinquency’ Was Caught on Film

Tom worked as an actor in movies and on classic TV shows like Playhouse 90. At one point he got a leading role in a film to be shot in St. Louis, Missouri. The film was going to be direct by a young, first time feature director who had been shooting a lot of industrials in the midwest. His name was Robert Altman…

Early ‘Billy Jack’ Infomercial

The marketing of ‘Billy Jack’ during the re-release in 1973 remains legendary even today. In order to get the theaters to play his two-year-old film, Tom had to rent the theaters, called 4-walling in the industry and he produced …

Happy Birthday, Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack)!

Today is our father, Tom Laughlin’s, birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

We love you!

‘The Proper Time’ for the Pool


Tom Laughlin’s film career took a zig-zag course. He came to Hollywood in 1955 and although struggled at first, gained some footing and began getting regular jobs in TV and in films like ‘Tea and Sympathy’, ‘Lafayette Escadrille’, ‘South Pacific’, and ‘Gidget’ (as Loverboy). Tom studied the craft and made his first film, ‘The Young…

Backyard Karate Class

Tom saw Bong Soo Han during a performance by Master Han’s school as part of the Pacific Palisades 4th of July celebration. (Tom’s daughter, TC, had been in the parade playing guitar.) Tom was blown away by the Hapkido style of fighting and pursued Han to train him (and double him) for the fight scenes…

Tom Directing BJGW


Tom Laughlin directing ‘Billy Jack Goes to Washington’ on location at the Howard Lloyd estate in Beverly Hills, CA. Actor Richard Gautier, who played Gov. Hubert Hopper (yes, Hubert Hopper), and Sarah Purcell, who plays Mrs. Hopper, looks on. Tom has ever-present Diet Dr. Pepper in tow (Tom LOVED Diet Dr. Pepper).

Life with Celebrity Parents

One of my favorite pictures ever: daughter Christina seems lost in space as she quietly waits for her parents, Tom and Delores (Tom is signing in front of her), to finish their appearance during the 1973 re-release of ‘Billy Jack’. If only they’d invented portable video games, portable DVDs, portable TVs, cell phones, texting… ANYTHING……

Delores’ Academy Ad


Ever the provocateur, Tom placed ads in the Hollywood trade papers nipping at Warner Brothers (the pair would have a many-decades-long love-hate relationship) and trying to promote Delores Taylor’s (his wife, co-star) performance in ‘Billy Jack’ for Academy consideration. Delores did not receive the hoped-for nomination.

Beatles-Like Cincinnati, OH Runway Reception


Tom and Delores (Billy Jack and Jean) are interviewed as they land in Cincinnati, OH, for a regional ‘premiere’ of ‘Billy Jack’ during the 1973 re-release of the film. (‘Billy Jack’ was originally released by WB in 1971.) Their daughters Teresa Laughlin (Carol in the film), and Christina (the one being held) are in the…