TC (Teresa) at Last!

First, Teresa Kelly, aka Teresa Laughlin, aka TC Laughlin, will heretofore be referred to by her given name (given by her brother, me…): TC. How’d that come to be? I was three when she was born Teresa Laughlin. Being not the sharpest pencil in the box (boys develop speech slower than girls, and never catch up, but that’s another story…) I couldn’t pronounce ‘Teresa’. Way too complicated. But I could do, ‘Treesee’, which I promptly shortened – for emergency procedural reasons – to ‘Teesee’. The name stuck. She has been known at TC ever since. (I later used to think I was acronyming her for ‘Top Cat’, which she clearly was, but the timing for the cartoon character created after her just doesn’t work out.)

Second, there have been precious few pictures of TC to share from the first box of pictures I culled from. I’ve moved on to box 2 (out of about 10), and immediately saw a fun picture of TC sitting on the edge of the sacred dance pit in New Mexico, which I am posting immediately. TC is sitting next to the woman that was the standin/stunt double for our mom, Delores. Lined up behind them the famous reflectors I often manned against desert winds. Mad crazy holding-reflector-skills have I.

Third, this new box is filled with color slides, just so you can prepare yourself. :-)

TC (Teresa Laughlin), who played Carol, sitting on the edge of the pit where indians dance after Billy Jack's vision from snake bite.

10 Responses to TC (Teresa) at Last!
  1. casper

    aaaaw! such a little doll she was! so cute. i love how she smiles, shes got a very contagious smile that i know just had to have lit up the room and prolly still does to this day!

    Current score: 0
  2. Robbie

    I’m 43 years old and could hardly ever come up with a “hero” when people used to ask “who is your childhood hero”, except for Billy Jack. I was way young when I first saw “Billy Jack”, but I had NEVER seen the entire movie until last month when I saw it on Showtime, I think. Never totally understood the movie. Now, I’ve seen “The Trial…” AND “Billy Goes to Washing…” and some years ago saw one with the short haired girl that he rescues from “bikers”. Anyway,I had no idea he/they(you?)was such an activist and kinda “anti-establishment”. Not enough room here for me to finish. Before I knew, I knew that you were his daughter though, but didn’t know til now that Delores was your mother.I’m driving my family CRAZY tying to watch all the movies now. Had no idea there were several… I always wondered why y’all never did more movies, but think I know now… Take care.I have no idea if your parents are still alive even, gonna try to search all that out. I’ll shutup

    Current score: 0
    • Robbie

      Billy Jack is the reason I wanted a .30-.30 Rifle soooo bad. Then got one and taught myself how to cock it like he did. He is the rerason I bought a blue jean jacket and I REALLY wanted one of those hats!!!! Man!!! I sound and feel silly about all this, however, the truth is he was “THE MAN!!!” in my opinion.You were a cutie TC. Were you ever in any other movies?? I always thought you were in the original “Return to Witch Mountain” ??Maybe??

      Current score: 1
  3. Marita Kameroff

    I love the movie of Billy Jack. My husband and I went to blockbuster the other night and was so excited when we found the dvd of Billy Jack and later the Trial of Billy Jack. Then he wanted to listen to the comentary of the movie and we both were excited that TC was the daughter of the star casts. She is so beautiful and we both encouraged our kids (young adults) to watch your movie that we hold in our hearts.

    Current score: 1
  4. Robin

    My sister and I are 55 and 56 now and we are such huge fans of the Billy Jack movies. I can’t tell you how many times we went to the theatres to see the movie(s). We loved the cast (had crushes on Tom) but we were young teens and were so happy when we found out that he and your mom were actually a couple. I was searching the internet to see if I could buy the soundtrack (yes in June 2011 we still love and sing the songs from the original movie). I found the soundtrack with a lot of the great songs, but it does not list the song that TC sang (not sure of the title) “Joe’s going off to the war tomorrow”… She was so cute and talented – didn’t know she was their daughter until years later. Anyway I am so excited to find this site. I would love to see the movie make a comeback. I also hope your family is happy and well. You brought such joy to us!

    Current score: 1
  5. Tim Feehan

    I must say that I relate completely to what Stuart said.
    I’m a big fan, had the big crush and saw the movies in the theater and am very happy to own the box set! Thank you, T.C.

    Current score: 1
  6. Samantha

    I love the behind the scenes shots

    Current score: 1
  7. Stuart

    Hello tc, am a big fan, had a big crush on you for many years after seeing Billy Jack and trail of.. was extreamly happy to be able to buy the dvd box set of all four B.J. movies.. love them..

    Current score: 4
  8. TC Laughlin

    Hmmmm. I look far more pensive than I remember being…

    These are great, Frank!

    Current score: 9
    • admin

      You’re pretty intensely pensive. :-) Click on ‘TC’ in the TAG cloud to see more…

      Current score: 5
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