‘The Master Gunfighter’

Many people think of Tom Laughlin as Billy Jack. While that is certainly the character he will forever be remembered as, he played many roles before ‘Billy Jack’, and played one after: Finley in ‘The Master Gunfighter’.

Tom Laughlin was a big fan of samurai films, and became especially excited by ‘Goyokin’, so excited he decided to remake the film in english. That remake was ‘The Master Gunfighter’, a hybrid western that mixed samurai swords and six guns.

Barbara Carrera as Eula in The Master Gunfighter (1975)

Tom Laughlin as Finley hanging from a Redwood in Big Sur, CA, in 'The Master Gunfighter' (1975)

Geo Anne Sosa as Chorika in 'The Master Gunfighter' (1975)

Opening credits of 'The Master Gunfighter' (1975)

6 Responses to ‘The Master Gunfighter’
  1. casper

    YAY!!! i now own the movie its awsome!! good fun! chorika made the movie fun. fave line:”and you…youre ugly!” haha and i wish for special features, i get special features. i love hearing all the behind the scenes stuff. ha i like the story behind “im not a cow puncher, im a professional.” Geo anne youre great!! i bow before you :) i dont think i cud be dragged through horse mess like that !lol tell me more tell me more :D

    Current score: 0
  2. casper

    wow!! lol it would be such an honor! maybe if youve the time you could email me at [email protected]? i would absolutely love to hear some fun mastergunfighter trivia! ..if youve the time, that is.:) i promise to be real carful will my legs till then!! ha

    Current score: 0
  3. casper

    i would just die to have a cup a coffee with Ms Sosa and hear alla bout the making a this movie.i may settle for a coupla broken legs and a dvd in which she participates in the commentary…

    Current score: 1
    • Geo Anne Sosa

      No need to break a leg, but I would be happy to share some memories of Big Sur and the filming of Master Gunfighter, Triasl of Billy Jack and the making of the original Billy Jack .

      Thank you,
      Geo Anne Sosa

      Current score: 0
  4. casper

    i love the woods in big sur! and been there and lime kiln, where the opening of BORN LOSERS was obviously shot. so beautiful, so cool.

    Current score: 1
  5. I remember this well, deserted village, my village, flesh hanging from nets, crows flying, the crash of waves in slow motion back splash against the horozon at Big Sur… the horror inside that waited for me… what a homecoming for a new bride to be*

    Current score: 1
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