‘The Young Sinner’ Stars of Tomorrow

Well, okay… one star of tomorrow.

Do you recognize the incredible child performers in this clip from Tom Laughlin’s early film, ‘The Young Sinner’? One of them would go on to star in the ‘Billy Jack’ movies, singing songs and being wonderful. The other would post pictures and video on a blog. One would design incredible women’s clothing, getting rave reviews from major fashion magazines. The other would write descriptions for the pictures and video he posts on the blog. One speak French fluently and be at home in Paris. The other would speak English and use it to write the descriptions to the pictures and video he posts on the blog. But I’m making this too hard, aren’t I?

If you think you know, post your guesses below. First one to get the correct answer… and I’ll write a description about it.

In English.

10 Responses to ‘The Young Sinner’ Stars of Tomorrow
  1. I saw young Frank and TC behind the door when Chris comes flying out of the church, near the end of the film. The door literally, or nearly, smashes the two young kids in the faces. Both you two look adorable, although are only shown for several seconds. I had to still-pause the frame to see how cute the two of you were.

    Current score: 0
  2. casper

    yeah but you forgot that “blogger” was also BillyJack’s stand-in/motorcycle rider! how uncontrollably hip is that?? 😀

    Current score: 0
  3. julie gardner

    Teresa Laughlin The beautiful young girl, (Tom and Delores daughter). Very talented, singer, songwriter. In the movie she was excellent with acting and singing, and also working with Danny the young boy with the child abuse issues. Still playing her songs she sang in two of the movies. Fantastic talent.

    Current score: 2
  4. Michael

    Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! I grew up with Billy Jack. I really admired the message behind the Charater. I think if you had to do it all over again you could.


    Current score: 2
  5. and of course Tom Laughlin, aka Billy Jack… the legend lives*

    Current score: 4
  6. Teresa Laughlin aka TC Laughlin aka Teresa Kelly, actress, singer/songwriter, fashion designer.
    Frank Laughlin Director, Billy Jack Rights blog, aka TC Frank screenplay credit, aka Maria Francis Robert Laughlin*

    Current score: 6
  7. Kimberly

    Designer: TC Laughlin…Singer: Chrissy Laughlin… Video and picture blogger: Frank Laughlin??? Just guessing!

    Current score: 4
    • admin


      but no.

      Current score: 0
    • Joe Koeppen

      TC & Frank Sorry do family members count

      Current score: 2
    • Kimberly, you are “correct.” I saw the movie.

      Current score: 1
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