Trial of Billy Jack Snapshots

These are photos of two locations used in shooting the Trial of Billy Jack in Tucson, Arizona.

The first is the furniture repossession scene that takes place in a mall parking lot. Tom is on the crane lining up the shot with Jack Marta, the cinematographer AND, if you look close Christina – which explains why Delores (back to us in the hat) is paying such close attention.

The next two photos are on the location where the big Billy Jack reunion takes place. Billy gets out of prison and returns to the school with hundreds of kids lining the street. I believe Tom is scouting the location (checking it out before shooting) because it’s too late in the day for there to be no one there. With him is John Longnecker, I believe. John is the son of Robert Longnecker and Ruth Hussey, my godparents, and dad’s first agent. All the early work Tom got in Los Angeles was thanks to Robert Longnecker.

I don’t know the origin of these photos. They were in an envelope that makes it look like they were sent to my folks by perhaps the person who took them.

Tom and Jack Marta (and Christina) lining up a shot on the Chapman crane in Tucson, Arizona

Tom and John Longnecker scouting the location for the Billy Jack reunion near Tucson, Arizona

Tom and John Longnecker scouting the location for the Billy Jack reunion near Tucson, Arizona

4 Responses to Trial of Billy Jack Snapshots
  1. Samantha

    like those reunion pictures, one of my fave scenes in trial of billy jack when everyone is singing just before billy and jean pull up in the jeep. he looks so suprised when he sees that carol and sunshine are bigger, and when everyone hugs him at the same time I always imagined the character being a bit overwhelmed.

    Current score: 1
    • casper

      @ samantha: thats probably my favorite scene in the trial of billy jack!

      Current score: 1
  2. This post just came to my attention today. I’m John Longenecker’s older brother, Rob. Your father, Tom was a favorite of my parents, who certainly followed his career.
    I first saw “Billy Jack” in our squadron ready room in 1972 aboard the aircraft carrier, John F. Kennedy. “Billy Jack” was a big hit with us Naval Aviators.

    The first I heard of Tom was from my dad, talking about this new young actor, Tom Laughlin who could generate incredible intensity in a scene, but who was new in Hollywood and had only about two nickels in his pocket. I don’t know if my dad got your dad movie jobs, just commercials, but they were very friendly and had a great deal of mutual respect.

    My brother, John often spoke of his time working with your dad. My parents passed away a few years ago, both at age 93.
    I hope your dad and Delores are doing will these days. Rob.

    Current score: 1
    • admin

      Rob: great to hear from you. Your dad did get Tom both TV and movie parts and was absolutely responsible for getting his career started. The ‘two-nickels’ monetary evaluation is spot on. And, speaking of respect: I don’t know if you know it, but your folks were my godparents. Thanks very much for sharing your experience, and thank you for your service.

      Current score: 0
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