‘Young Sinner’ Prelim Box Art

Tom Laughlin's second film 'The Young Sinner' is coming...

Above is the preliminary box art for The Young Sinner. It is still very early in the production process, we still have a lot of work to do restoring the picture and sound, but I couldn’t resist putting together some preliminary cover art. Our preliminary restoration work suggest the picture is going to polish up beautifully. I’m going to post some frame captures and maybe a few video snips from the film soon. Stay tuned.

One Response to ‘Young Sinner’ Prelim Box Art
  1. casper

    stephanie powers has been on every cool tv show in the world!!! STREETS OF SANFRANSISCO, BARNABY JONES, BIONIC WOMAN, LOVE AMERICAN STYLE….i only know this cause they use ta re run these shows when i was little. im like a quin-martin production encyclopedia!! haha

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