We have a few important events and announcements:
- We are restoring ALL of Tom Laughlin’s films to glorious 1080p HD
- We are close to a deal for the films to begin playing on TV again (and could use your help, see below)
- Tom Laughlin turns 80!
A few years back we undertook a complete restoration of Billy Jack, in conjunction with the LA Film Festival. The result? A glorious new version of a 1970′s classic, complete with incredible new 5.1 soundtrack (available on Blu-ray) and a rapidly sold-out, featured screening at the festival. Based on that success, we at Billy Jack Rights have bitten off even a bigger bite: the restoration of ALL Tom Laughlin’s films. We’re working around the clock. Look for them soon!
Broadcast & Closed Caption Sponsorship Opportunities
One of the reasons we’ve undertaken the above is that we have reached deals with national networks to beging playing Tom’s films. We have much work to do to make the films ready for broadcast, including making the films closed captioned. And here’s where we could use your help. We have put up on eBay auctions for ‘Closed Captions sponsored by…’ credits on each of the films. If you would like to show your support for the films, or have your or your company name permanently connected to some of the most successful independent films in history, now is the chance. (See full details here.)
Tom Laughlin turns 80!
We are preparing to celebrate Tom Laughlin’s milestone 80th birthday, and you can be part of this exclusive event.
This is a private event, by invitation only, but you can get your invite by being the high bidder on any of the above closed-caption auctions (this is for invite ONLY, no travel, no lodging, no transportation is included). If you win any of the above auctions, you will not only have your name (or the name you choose) added to the film you sponsored, but you will immediately be added to the exclusive guest list (to be held in Pacific Palisades, CA on August 20, 2011). If you are a true Billy Jack/Tom Laughlin fan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pay tribute to an independent icon.
Closed Captioning auctions on eBay ends August 17th!
Your movies always keep you young. A happy birthday for 81years. For 2012
HAppy Happy Belaited Birthday Tom, Enjoy your Fantastic Big Birthday bash! Wish I could be there! But am here in spirit. Have a Happy Happy Time! Lana
I’m just now finding this website….Billy Jack was the greatest movie of all time! It was a great time in my life and Billy Jack helped shaped my character and outlook on life…
Best wishes to the family,
i want to attend 1 of your schools just kidn would love to see you back on the big screen, if you ever make it to chattanooga tn look me up
Happy Birthday Tom.
There will only ever be one true fighter for the cause.
Many have tried but cannot compete. It has to come from the human spirit and you believe in yourself.
We thank you for all of your contributions to the big screen and being such a great humanitarian. We need Billy Jack!
On screen, off screen you typify what all of us strive for in marriage and you are a great roll model.
In your honor it will be a Billy Jack week at the homefront and we will watch all of your movies.
God Bless and Happy Bithday
Michael C. Branigan
Dear Tom,
I have loved your movies forever, wishing you a wonderful
80th birthday, one of your biggest fans. All the best to all
of yours!
Although I am too late to be able to win a chance to attend the Birthday Gala, I already won, back in 1971, when I was 13, growing up in Ohio, and discovered “Billy Jack”…my best friend and I went every day for at least a month, and to this day I STILL know every line in the film…it was a magical time in my life, and your film was a huge catalyst in my wanting to become an actress…WHO WOULDN’T want to have been one of those kids??? I know I did!! When my family and I moved to Tucson in 1977, Prescott was my first destination..I cannot count the number of times we went up there to reinact scenes at the Palace, at Kendell’s Ice cream shop, and the Courthouse- then to Montezuma Castle, and back home here, where the other scenes from “TOBJ” were shot…the memories that remain in my heart, the Native spirit that grounds me, and the career in film I have carved out, all come from those dreams ‘Billy Jack” brought with it in 1971..I LOVE watching it every chance I get..thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU for what you have given me, and to all the people who cherish the franchise as well…we are all better people for experiencing that time, and to have had the guidance of our “Hero”…you will ALWAYS be our Hero, and we love you for that!!!!Happy Belated Birthday!!! ;o)
a belated Happy Birthday to Tom Laughlin and adding what is probably the strangest thank you of all time . . .
Tom and Dolores – i discovered you folks just 3 years ago and, being your contemporary, you have helped me cope with and accept the inevitability of aging as you two are doing so quite gracefully – “really”
Happy belated birthday, Tom! Your movies had and still has today a tremendous impact in my life and I can never in my wildest dreams, thank you and your wonderful wife for the great work in your films. I dearly adore your films and watch them on a VERY REGULAR basis. I learned so much from those films and the messages they spoke of to me. I believe at 54, I’ve become a more spiritually rounded individual(not religious) and have also learned to be much more accepting of different people(more so than before). My views on life is have changed dramatically due in large part of the messages I tried to interpret from Born Losers, Billy Jack, and The Trial of Billy Jack. Thank you so very much for opening up my eyes to the possibilities in life and how to tap those possibilities! You and Delores are incredible human beings! Thank you for everything, Sweetheart. Again, Happy Belated Birthday and many more in the future! Many Blessings to you and yours, my friend!!!!!
I completely lived for these movies. Tom Laughlin was and is a hero of mine. Thank you for this web site I would not have found it if not for viewing the movie today. Happy Birthday Mr. Laughlin
I wish you the best on your 80th birthday,i’ve seen all the Billy Jack movies,you were an inspiration and a hero for me growing-up,if you have another release of your movies,please let me know,i would love to purchase them,i’ve been trying to get the Billy Jack series for years! Thanks for being the inspiration in my life you have been!
I have never loss the love, admiration, and excitment for the billy jack series; including born losers movie; I was very much influenced by the attitude & moral compass of Tom Laughlin
and have great respect for all those involved in the writing and producing of the series; Peace be with you all!
A lot of my words came out wrong and part of my sentence left out sorry cell phones for u if there is a way to make all this wright please let me know
Thanks Carol
Good for to happy belated birthday .
I know that Billy Jack once had a ranch in California when he and his wide helped kids I am by far not rich or no where near there was a csr wreck a long time ago a drunk driver my da nerd to keep going to therpysyughter was in a coma 14 months and my son then 3 now 25 went into a world of his own he a good young man buy with issues he to is a passive person but has no self esteem he doesnt need to keep going to therphy he needs to go to the ranch he would find him self there he would become what he is ment to b Billy Jack and his wife r built on truth and only the truth can set u free maybe u can help me help him if so let me k.ow
Thanks Carol
I just had a “Billy Jack” movie day. They are as good now as they were when I first saw them. Just awesome. Tom I hope you have a great Birthday and enjoy it. I have to say I did have a crush on Teresa back then. You all have a great day. And thank you for making the great films.
Tom, I sent eariler to you a Happy 80th Birthday letter to you. Perhaps you have it or not, but anyway, still wanted to wish you a wonderful be-lated birthday!!!!! I myself am 48 years old, and have two beautiful children ages 12 and 7. Both have watched all the movies, and the you-tube pieces. Both my children think you are so “epic”. That means very excellent now a days. The films meant so much back in that era as well as this era. My children have told all the kids at school and the pool to watch Billy Jack, ect. Very meaningful. You and your wife did exactly what you wanted to do. Change or make the world see things in a better way and do something about it. God Bless you Tom, and your family. Also, the films totally are for this era as well. More bias and lude remarks as well as for certain races. History repeats itself, I do see. Your films NEED TO BE RE-RELEASED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!! All our love to you all, Julie Gardner and Family in Kansas City
Happy Birthday Tom !!! Just celebrated your birthday watching all four Billy Jack movies with a friend that has never seen them ,she was amazed and now you have a new fan!!! Best wishes !!!
A belated Happy Birthday Tom! Enjoy the big bash, you deserve it.
I can’t afford to travel out west, but would it be possible for you to set up some type of post where your father’s fans could post birthday wishes that could be printed out and given to him? I love your parents ethics and morals, and they have been so influential on my life…I know I am one of many…and would like to thank them- I guess I would like them to know that they will live on not just in films, but in the lives of the folks they have influenced.
Wishing tom one of the greatest actor”s a blessed BIRTH DAY.
James Andrew