Delores Minneapolis Tour

These are more photos from the same publicity tour posted previously (those were color, these are proof sheets from color slides).

The family was on summer vacation in Wisconsin (Tom’s home state, and home to a big chunk of relatives — Hi Koeppens and Fossums!). Delores, TC, Christina, Stacy Manolakas, and a babysitter (who I’m sorry I don’t remember) traveled out by the Cessna push-pull prop plane. Way to go, girls!

Delores with Ray Fox of WLOL Radio, St. Paul, Minnesota.

On way back to vacation in Wisconsin after publicity day; babysitter, Stacy Manolakas, TC, Delores, Christina.

Delores Taylor with Warren Knight of WTCN television, Minneapolis, MN.

3 Responses to Delores Minneapolis Tour
  1. I saw Billy Jack when I was 10 years old. Of course my parents didn’t know because if the movie wasn’t rated G I wasn’t allowed to see it. I lied to them and to this very day I have no remorse. You as well as your husband had a profound effect on me. I saw Billy Jack 5 times. (I admit I had a wee crush toward “Billy Jack”) You both helped to shape my heart and mind to things that really matter. I am 1/8th Cherokee and you made my brain and eyes open up to the incredible injustices that happened then and are happening now. I would be grateful to know if you will be lecturing in Maryland anytime in the near future. I wish you and your family well. Thank you again for your influence then and now.

    Current score: 2
  2. Tim Feehan

    Thanks, Frank
    The story on the MPLS trip struck a very personal note.
    I was born in Minneapolis (suburban), as was your father.
    I still live in the (Twin Cities) suburban St. Paul area,
    and always will.
    Thanks again to both you
    and T.C!

    Current score: 0
    • admin

      Thank you, Tim.
      We don’t know where the rumor got started, but most people think Tom was born in Minneapolis. He was actually born in Milwaukee. But I have many wonderful friends in Minneapolis. Great city. Even better people.

      Current score: 1
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