Original TV Commercials – Town Council Meeting

Another of the original TV commercials that aired during the 1973 re-release of ‘Billy Jack’. This one features the crazy town council meeting.

For those of you that don’t know, the main undercurrent of ‘Billy Jack’ is the hostility between the rather conservative town and The Freedom School, run on a nearby Indian reservation. The town doesn’t like the ways or ‘hippies’ at the school, and after a violent fight in town between Posner’s cowboys and Billy Jack, the town council holds a meeting on how to keep what transpired from happening again. True to both of their existing dispositions towards each other, the council meeting gets rather snippy, mirroring much of the generational friction of the time.

One Response to Original TV Commercials – Town Council Meeting
  1. John Tomlinson

    years later he was in WKRP in Cincinati

    This was one of my favorite scenes because this guy always cracks me up.

    The Billy Jack series had it all, drama, comedy, and action, and everyone can relate their life in some way to what is going on in the movie, and that is why it will always be a money maker.

    The Billy Jack series are more than just films, they are a story of life and how prejudice can get in the way of living.

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